You've been told many times that you need a website. But WHY exactly? Best. Question. Ever. Here's 8 reasons why you need a website. 1. It makes your business searchable Imagine a customer receives a brochure from you, or read about your adverts in newspaper and wanting to know more...

上一期我们了解了个别生意的销售漏斗(Sales Funnel)模式及营销投资回报计算方式后(可登入我的网站重读),接下来就要准备开始打广告了。我选择相对比较多人可能接触过的面子书广告来开始讨论。这个面子书营销攻略系列我会从个别广告工具功能开始讨论,再探讨如何有效的选择广告目标市场,以及如何达到更高的广告成本效益。如果你有哪方面想了解更多,欢迎来信

不管做什么生意,要推广,就要打广告。电子广告(digital advertising)工具多不胜数,从最基本(却也是最复杂)的Google Adwords到面子书广告,商家的选择不少。就拿面子书广告来说,基本上你只要有一个面子书账号就可以开始打广告。正是因为简单,导致许多人没有做好准备就开始打起广告来,最后往往由于用法不当,而觉得电子广告没有用。

经过了前5期的讨论,相信大家对电子商务有了更深一层的认识。第1期我们从最基本的电商101讨论到大马电商概况,我们也讨论了一些做电商的入门须知。第4期我们讨论了平台的选择分析,然后上一期我们讨论了一些电商行销基本功。 今天我们将讨论一些可以避免电商商家们在创业时经常犯的错误。

It all started with the phrase "every phone is unique and different", at least for me. I'm not freaking sure who coined that. Long gone was the era where every phone is the same, the only thing different is your contact numbers, your sms, your photos....